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League of Legends-LoL

Sasuke Uchiha
9 posters
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Rin Okumura
Rin Okumura
Junior Boarder
Junior Boarder
Broj postova : 46
Reputation : 0
Pridružen : 2012-02-04
Godina : 28

League of Legends-LoL - Page 2 Empty Re: League of Legends-LoL

Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:54 pm
ja sam tjedan dana provela level upaući svoj drugi acc na 15 lvl -_- i sad zaostajem na svom što sam planirala sve sa IPom i to >< uuugh
Platinum Boarder
Platinum Boarder
Broj postova : 1314
Reputation : 8
Pridružen : 2012-02-04

League of Legends-LoL - Page 2 Empty Re: League of Legends-LoL

Mon Dec 29, 2014 5:11 pm
Aj ako hoce tko game na eastu nekad evo vam nick - Coldhands
Ik, ik best nick ever Very Happy
Broj postova : 1398
Reputation : 18
Pridružen : 2012-02-03

League of Legends-LoL - Page 2 Empty Re: League of Legends-LoL

Mon Dec 29, 2014 9:45 pm
nema vam smisla raditi nove acc-ove ako prvi niste digli na lvl 30 xD
a i opcenito to vam je gubljenje vremena. Samo za rune vam je potrebno 10-15k IP-a a one su prijeko potrebne na 30 lvl.
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League of Legends-LoL - Page 2 Empty Re: League of Legends-LoL

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